From chat applications including WhatsApp and WeChat to social media platforms such as Twitter and Reddit, CCOs face a dizzying and ever-changing array of business communications that must comply with recordkeeping and supervisory requirements. In light of that, compliance practices developed in the age of email must be adapted to new forms of messaging. This second article in a three-part series originally published by our sister publication Private Equity Law Report reviews policies and procedures firms should enact to curb harmful electronic communications practices by their employees, as well as how to train staff on those policies. The first article outlined the regulatory obligations around electronic business communications and described why and how the current use of messaging technologies developed. The third article will detail how CCOs can approach the capture, archiving and surveillance of electronic communications other than email, as well as the challenges of producing responses to document requests from regulatory bodies. See “DOJ Spotlights Emerging Issues and Protection Strategies Around Business Email Compromise Attacks” (Oct. 9, 2019).