Questions and concerns surrounding recent DoorDash and Dunkin' Donuts breaches, such as why detection took so long, failure to investigate the attack and/or failure to timely notify, highlight the importantce of consumer relations in such instances. Consumers expect companies that have suffered a data breach to notify them promptly and offer free identity theft protection and credit monitoring, according to Experian’s 2019 Data Breach Survey Report. We spoke to Experian’s vice president of data breach resolution and consumer protection, Michael Bruemmer, about the survey’s key findings and strategies for preserving customer goodwill following a breach, which we summarize in this article. See also “Companies May Need to Re-Examine Approach to Breach Response Preparedness According to Experian Survey” (Mar. 27, 2019); and “Key Cyber Threats and Targets for 2019” (Jan. 16, 2019).