The right cybersecurity choices, supported by the necessary budget, can enable business processes and data flows to continue no matter where employees are located. In our discussion, Fortinet CISO Phil Quade observed that the COVID‑19 pandemic has required companies to focus on edge cybersecurity architecture to stay productive with a remote workforce. Quade, who also spent 30 years at the NSA, including as Chief of its Cyber Task Force, explained the meaning and importance of “edge cybersecurity architecture,” how to achieve it and how to obtain the funds necessary to support this and other cybersecurity initiatives. Success starts with viewing cybersecurity as a business enabler, rather than a cost center, he emphasized, and speaking the same language as the board. See “How Is COVID-19 Affecting Cybersecurity Risk, Readiness, Reporting and NYDFS Enforcement?” (Apr. 22, 2020).