In today’s data-dependent environment, privacy and cyber due diligence is almost always advisable in a merger or acquisition, said Alan Brill, senior managing director at Kroll. This article distills insights from Brill and Kimberly J. Gold, a partner at Reed Smith, shared during a recent program sponsored by Strafford CLE Webinars, on how, where and when privacy and cyber due diligence fit into the structure of mergers and acquisitions, including how issues raised during the process can be addressed in deal documents. See “Cybersecurity Due Diligence in M&A Is No Longer Optional” (Aug. 24, 2016); and “Tackling Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Issues in Mergers and Acquisitions (Part One of Two)” (Sep. 16, 2015); Part Two (Sep. 30, 2015).