Shifting cybersecurity and data privacy regulations across industries and regions challenge many companies to frequently update their practices to remain compliant, not only at their home base, but also in other countries where they conduct business. Renard Francois, General Electric’s global chief privacy officer, spoke with the Cybersecurity Law Report in advance of ALM’s cyberSecure conference on September 27-28, 2016, at the New York Hilton, where he will participate as a panelist. An event discount code is available to CSLR readers inside this article. In our interview, Francois discusses some of the key ways GE’s privacy team approaches modifying practices to stay up-to-date with global regulations, and ensuring all stakeholders are informed and working collaboratively across businesses and departments. See also “Establishing Strong Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Leadership: The Roles of the Chief Information Security Officer and Chief Privacy Officer (Part One of Two)” (May 6, 2015); Part Two (May 20, 2015).